- galeriegaleriegalerie - a AR gallery experience that allows users to create AI art based on how they feel.
- foster - leverage people's votes and collected data to assist marketers in strategically locating businesses to garner attention, promote success, and meet community preferences, ultimately aiming to combat gentrification and bolster small enterprises.
- ask tom - an Idea generator for Flatiron students!
- killshemar - a two player cat & mouse styled game, the ship chases and tries to attack me (an JSON animated sprite)
- jockey - Seamlessly request music to any event.
- the trump effect - america's diversity is at risk due to trump's controversial policies targeting immigrants; our app estimates nyc's population based on user-provided years and forecasts it under trump's plan using JavaScript.
- onesixone - Spot maps down skateparks, skate shops, & skate spots in your area!
- labyrinth - high school is nearly done, and we're all racing towards the finish line. with labyrinth, discover your passion with just one click, and enhance your resume.
- protect & swerve - education on police brutality and offers a mobile app for recording encounters with officers, automatically sharing them on the website.
- voices - an anonymous forum for students to share school-related problems, fostering a connected school community through peer feedback.
- verify - a google chrome extension, identifies legitimate news articles by checking for known fake or satirical sites and enabling user feedback on article credibility.